Posted by on Apr 24, 2011 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Ginger the jumping bean

This must have been the LONGEST cross country day of my life.  We arrived at the park prompt this morning at seven to get chores done and after walking the course by 8:45am, we were out of things to do until it was time for me to go at 2:18pm.  The cross country course today was longer than any I have done before and the questions proved to ride well as long as the rider was staying attentive.  I rode one combination at a time learning from the last and carrying that education to the next.  At the six minute mark, with two more minutes left, Ginger started to get tired (this is about the time she normally gets to finish her courses).  I noticed the decline in energy when she started to shuffle at the base to add strides, nothing dangerous, but just to let me know that the distances were getting tiring.  I made sure to change my riding and take the more energy efficient routes within each complex after a shuffle into a combination.  I did this knowing that to get her to the end with confidence and a clean round I would need to stay on my feet.  Sure enough, Ginger finished with no jumping faults, only 11.2 time faults which bumped us into third place.  I was very pleased that I was able to ride her through each element and made them work with what I was given, but in all honesty, I am a bit bummed about the time.  If only, if only…but I guess that is the name of the game and next time she will be fitter and ready to make the time easily.  I am learning to trust her more and more at each show and feeling that making the time will come with trust.  Ginger jogged out sound and happy this evening.  She is now all tucked in to sleep tight and ready for the jog tomorrow at 8:15am as well as show jumping at 2pm.  I am so excited that she went well and I could even think, “Well that wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be.”  The trust and understanding of teamwork has come a long way and I am so happy to be able to share that with this very special horse.  We will carry that over to tomorrow and jump smart and careful.
Until next time,
Lauren and Ginger